Saturday, April 17, 2010


Today is the big day! I need to make this quick because I'm supposed to be doing some last minute packing. I will try to take a lot of pictures today of our big move, but I'll probably be pretty busy. I can't wait to sleep at my new house tonight!

For now, I just wanted to say that Now and Laters are evil candy. Do not eat them because you may or may not chip your front tooth on one. Oops.

And no, I did not eat a Now and Later for breakfast. I ate it last night. Breakfast this morning included a brownie. Duh.

1 comment:

  1. Now and Laters: eat it NOW, regret it LATER... right?

    but seriously... those things are so hard, you're just supposed to suck on them until they turn into a gooey, sticky, mess.

    sorry steph, i just wouldn't be me if i didn't point out that there is a dirty joke somewhere in my comment... LOL

    Yay for new homes!!
