Monday, June 21, 2010

Momma Knows Best

I know more about my Baby Ryan than any other human being on this earth. I spend the most time with him and because of that I get to see his development firsthand before anyone else. It's nice knowing that I'm an expert on my son. (Well, maybe not quite an expert)

I can now distinguish between his "hungry cry" and his "tired cry". I know that he will always be happiest first thing in the morning, and grumpiest in the evening. I know that he loves sleeping in his Baby Bjorn, close to his Mommy. And I can talk and make noise without waking him, but the minute I stop moving he will wake up.

Isn't it amazing that our Heavenly Father is an expert on each and every one of us? Before a word is on our tongue, God knows what we are about to say. He knows how many hairs are on our head and how many days we will live.

I love being an expert on Ryan, and I love that he's starting to respond more to me. He follows me with his eyes when I leave a room, and sometimes will start to cry until I come back into his line of vision. When I stick out my tongue at him I see him moving his mouth around, trying to imitate me. I love this beginning of our communication, and I can't wait for it to develop into actual laughs and words!


  1. The best is when they start calling you momma and mean it! Ayden also just starting saying i love you. Its the best!

  2. I LOVE that photo of him. I see you in that face!!!

    Aunt Susan
