Monday, March 14, 2011

Clap Clap Clap

It was just a few minutes ago and I wasn't at my best. I get pretty stressed out between 5 and 6 most nights because Ryan is grumpy from no afternoon nap, I'm trying to cook dinner, unload and reload the dishwasher, fix Ryan's meal and feed the dog. Ryan was in his exersaucer and just about to lose it. I asked him if he could clap for me. I've been trying to teach him this skill by showing him how I clap, and then taking his little hands and making them clap together. Until now he hadn't shown any signs of understanding. So tonight when I said the word "clap" he clapped! I was so shocked, not just because he learned how to clap, but that he knows how to do it just from hearing the word!

Who knew something as simple as clapping could make me forget all about my worries?

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