Friday, October 15, 2010

Foodie Friday: Freezer

I love my freezer! It holds so much food and I love keeping it well-stocked. There are two main compartments to my freezer, along with a pull out shelf on top. I try to keep it organized so that I always know what I have on hand for fast meals. Here are the two main sections:

On the left is where I store all the proteins. Right now we have:

Salmon, Shrimp, Tilapia, Ground Turkey, Turkey Burgers, Beef London Broil, Ground Beef, Beef Roast, Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs, Chicken Sausages, and Bacon.

My best tip for buying and freezing proteins is to buy in bulk! I never pay more than $1.87/lb for boneless skinless chicken breasts. You can get a good deal if you buy in bulk and then separate out into smaller freezer bags. Then I just defrost what I need for each meal. Even things like bacon can be frozen. I bought that bacon on sale for 99 cents!

On the right side is where I keep grains/breads. Right now I have things like whole wheat tortillas, pizza dough, and brown rice.

On the top shelf I keep baby food and sweet things like desserts and frozen fruit.

There is also a small shelf where I store miscellaneous items such as ground flaxseed, nuts and ginger.

How do you organize your freezer?

*Edited to Add*: So about a half hour after I posted this some random guy knocked on our door selling frozen meat! I was tempted because the prices were good but sadly my freezer is a little too well-stocked at the moment. Oh and I wasn't too sure how safe his meats were. Have any of you ever purchased meat from a delivery service?


  1. We have those tilapia filets from TJ's, too. Love 'em! My freezer isn't really organized so I can't comment. :)

  2. Neither was mine until today! =)

  3. I've never bought any meats from a delivery service, but I have been asked. I was washing my car once when 2 guys in a pick-up truck drove up and wanted to know if I wanted to by any meat... I tried to tell them no, but they then asked if I wanted any shrimp... I ended up just lying and telling them I was a vegetarian. They drove away.

  4. You are so organized! My freezer door sometimes open by itself because things that are randomly piled up fall down, hehe. shame on me, i know. haha.
