Sunday, October 3, 2010

Baby Food

Feeding Ryan solids has been going well. So far he seems to really like everything! We've tried rice cereal, banana, peas, avocado and oatmeal. He now tries to grab the spoon and jam the food into his open mouth. It's cute but messy. Yesterday was my first attempt at making baby food.
Butternut Squash!

I roasted it for 40 minutes and ended up with this:

22 perfect baby portions, ready for the freezer

Only problem is that the ice cube trays don't fit in the freezer bags!

Overall it was pretty easy! I figure 22 portions of jarred baby food would cost me about $6 or $7, whereas the butternut squash cost me just a couple dollars. I definitely want to try other foods now!

Ryan unfortunately has been acting a bit strange lately with nursing. He will feed for about 5 minutes and then pull off because he's either distracted (by anything.....a cup, a book, my hand) or because he's upset. He'll stop nursing, start crying, and then immediately shove his fist into his mouth for comfort. At first I wondered if he was starting to like the solid food more than breastmilk. But now I'm wondering if he's teething, and breastfeeding is somehow painful for him.

Ryan is at the appropriate age to be teething, and he's got a lot of the symptoms. Excessive drooling, sucking on anything he can put into his mouth, waking up a lot at night, fussier than usual. I really hope he's teething, and not starting to wean himself from breastfeeding. I'm not ready for it to end!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog while I was visiting some of my favorite blogs. It definitely sounds like your little one is teething! We haven't started with solids with my daughter, I plan to make some baby food too. Thanks for the butternut squash idea. Cheers! :)
