Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Step Back

Since birth Ryan has been a challenging baby. Doesn't like to sleep and tends to be kind of needy. When people ask me if he is a good baby, unfortunately my immediate respnose is "NO". I am so wrapped up in my little mommy-bubble of wiping up puke, changing diapers, and trying to get him to sleep in his crib, that I haven't even noticed the change. But if I step back and look at the big picture, I realize that things have gotten better.

-Ryan no longer cries all day long.
-Ryan laughs and smiles more.

-He has started napping more frequently. (Only in my arms or the carseat, but still....he's napping!)

-Most nights I can eventually get him to sleep in his crib for at least 4 hours.

-Ryan can now entertain himself for longer periods of time.

It helps me to acknowledge these things. We have come such a long way from those first few colicky months!

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