Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lullabies and Baby Dals

I met 2 of my old coworkers for lunch yesterday in San Mateo. One of them snapped this photo of Ryan and I with her phone. Don't I look like such a mom?

After a lunch of sushi, I headed over to Whole Foods to satisfy my withdrawal from the beloved store. I used to have the luxury of working right across the street from the grocery store. Ryan fell asleep in his Baby Bjorn as I wandered the aisles and somehow spent a lot of money on not very much food. One of my favorite finds from yesterday was World Baby Foods! I had heard about these from a friend and was super excited to buy a few. I got Lullaby Thai, Sweetie Tahiti, Baby Dal, and Que Pasa Calabasa. I really want to expose Ryan to these unique flavors and spices as early as possible. I will let you know what he thinks!

Going out with Ryan is gradually getting easier for me. Partially because he is getting older and does not cry as much. And partly because I'm just getting more comfortable being a mom. I think my new job suits me well. =)

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