Sunday, December 11, 2011

Playing with Pot Pie

This is how dinnertime typically looks for Ryan these days. I present him with a plate of healthy foods. He eyes suspiciously anything that resembles a vegetable, fruit, protein, or squishy carbohydrate. He cautiously takes a bite or two of any crunchy carbs that happen to be on the plate. (toast, crackers, or in this case, pot pie crust). He takes a sip or two of milk and then flings the rest of his food around, dumping most on the floor. He usually goes to bed with a pretty empty stomach. Last night was no exception.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this makes me feel so much better about my post tonight! And so crazy that we're due 1 day apart... are you guys going to find out the sex or will it be a surprise?
