Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Book Learning

It's finally happening...Ryan is getting interested in books! This really excites me because I have always loved to read and I have great memories of all my favorite childhood books. Up until now Ryan has shown no interest in books, other than in throwing them across the room. But just in the past couple weeks, he has learned to love his books! Throughout the day he will run and grab a book, bring it to me, and then climb up onto my lap. I then "read" the book to him. Basically I turn the pages and point out things that he might recognize. Sometimes he tries to say the word after me, so I'm hoping that all this "reading" will help with his language skills!


  1. Hooray! I love to see kids enjoy books. And yes, it will help him with his language skills. Absolutely.

  2. Hooray for books! It is definitely going to help his language - and once he starts associating words with certain books, memorizing what's on the page, these are very early steps to reading. :)
