Weight: 21 lbs, 2 oz (24%)
Height: 30.25 inches (65%)
Head: 18.5 inches (68%)
In terms of growth Ryan is looking great. It was when we started talking about his eating habits that the Dr. seemed a bit concerned. He said that at 1 year of age, Ryan should be feeding himself finger foods. He should be able to swallow tiny chunks of food and not have to rely on pureed baby foods for all his nutrition. I explained about how he mostly refuses to put food into his mouth, and when he does, he gags over the tiniest bit of texture and often throws up his entire meal. So Ryan's Doctor has now referred us to a food therapist. I have no idea what they will be able to do to help Ryan get past this issue, but I'm hopeful that it helps.
Speaking of gagging, here is the beautiful no-eggs, no-sugar, no-butter cake I made for Ryan's birthday. It was an apple spice cake and I actually thought it was pretty good. (It had buttercream frosting on top with tons of butter and sugar in it. It's all about balance people)
Here he Ryan when he first tasted it.
Scares me every time!! I really hope the food therapy helps him.
I hope the food therapy helps!