Thursday, February 10, 2011

Puff Addict

Ryan has finally started to figure out finger food! Except there's only one that he likes....Puffs! He loves his apple cinnamon Gerber Puffs, as long as they are broken in half. Sometimes I stick him in his highchair when I need to get something done, and just give him a little pile of Puffs to play with.I decided that eating straight off of his highchair tray might not be sanitary, so I bought him his very first plate.This morning I let him try it out. He picked up all the cheerios I placed on the plate and put them onto his highchair tray. He then picked up his plate and threw it at me. I guess I need to buy the kind that suction-cups to the tray.

I need suggestions of other finger foods I can feed to Ryan. Cheerios are still a bit hard for him, even when I break them in half. He gags because they don't disolve in his mouth fast enough. I hate just feeding him the Puffs because they seem so processed and fake. I was thinking about trying rice next. What do you think?


  1. Jessamy used to eat cubed tofu and loved it. Also scrambled eggs done in big curds. Cheerios of course.

  2. you could trying using tofu in small cubes like the PP mentioned, and then dust it with "cereal powder" from a natural cereal or wheat germ.

  3. I've thought about giving him tofu, although I think Adam would disown him as his son if he liked it.

  4. Baked apple chunks are easy to digest and easy to break up with the tongue. Core the apple, sprinkle it with cinnamon, put it in a baking dish with about 2 inches of water. Bake at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes. When they're cool you can either cut them or pinch them into bite size pieces. Also, if you've given him dairy or are ready to try dairy, you can set string cheese out for about 10 minutes, so it's not so cold and hard and put it into chunks, that's also easy to break up with your tongue. One last thing, I found Happy Baby Organic Puffs at Target. They're all natural so maybe you won't feel so bad giving them to him. They also have yogurt drops that Makenzie really likes. Sorry my comment is so long!

  5. Susannah loves puffed rice!In fact, she is eating some right now! Whenever her tray gets empty, she bangs on it for more puffies!

    There are so many easy fruits and veggies to eat too. Susannah has been loving chunks for a long time now, so she eats almost anything, but some of the "starter" ones were banana, cooked apple (cooked in apple juice with cinnamon and cloves), and over-cooked carrots.

    We started off with banana, cut into thin slices, and cut each slice into like 6 wedges, so very tiny! The pieces were slightly larger than the chunks when mashed with a fork. She gagged a little at first, but that's ok. It's how they learn to move food around in their mouth, and as long as they're not in distress, it's ok to let them work it out on their own.
