Thursday, February 3, 2011

9 Month Checkup

Ryan had his 9-month checkup with the Dr. yesterday. He said Ryan is developing right on schedule! No immunizations were needed at 9 months, which made Mommy very happy.

Here are Ryan's growth stats:

Weight: 19 lbs, 4 oz. (28%)
Height: 29 inches (75%) - This surprised me! Everyone says he is short.
Head: 18 inches (62%)

Now that's a perfect 62nd percentile head profile if I ever saw one!

I'm happy that he is a bit taller than I was expecting. He is consistantly right around the 25th percentile for weight, so I guess that's where his little body likes to be. I think in addition to 3 solid meals per day I'm going to start offering him a snack each afternoon, just to make sure his belly is satisfied.

We also talked a lot about Ryan's sleeping habits. The Dr. said that his significant lack of napping during the day and sleeping at night won't cause any harmful physical side effects for Ryan. He seemed more concerned that it would cause me harm. I'm thinking my lack of sleep might be the reason I've been getting so many painful headaches lately. I explained to him that we have tried to let Ryan cry, but all that results in is him throwing up. We always give in because it is too difficult to hear Ryan scream for hours. The Dr. said it is important to see it all the way through and not give up, particularly because it will only become harder as Ryan gets older and more stubborn. I said something like "OK I'll try". He responded with "Don't just try. DO". Aaaaah why is this sleeping thing so hard??


  1. I'm so with you, sleep training is ridiculously hard. But it does get slowly easier, so be persistent! And get some headphones!

  2. i'm sure you've tried this, but thought I'd ask anyway. I used to hold Jessamy and dance to nice slow music to get her down for a nap, and to get her sleepy enough to go down for the night I used to rock her. Have you tried those things?

  3. Susan - I have tried rocking, and it has worked a few times. My main problem is that once he falls asleep and goes down in his crib, he doesn't stay asleep longer than 30 minutes. So I want to slowly teach him to fall asleep on his own. We let him cry last night and it was horrible, but he did fall asleep after about an hour. I'm still not sure if this is the best way, but I just can't continue being up all night because he's in bed with us.

    I sang a lot to Ryan when I was pregnant, but he surprisingly doesn't seem to like it now. =(
