At Ryan's recent Dr. Appt his pediatrician really got after us about laying him down and letting him fall asleep on his own. I've tried this before but it never worked. But recently I've been getting a lot of headaches and just really not feeling that great. My Dr. ran blood tests and found nothing wrong with me, and basically said I need to sleep more. So I decided to take drastic measures: let Ryan cry.
We started it last week. I nursed Ryan and put him in his crib. He cried for 55 minutes straight. I checked on him a few times but this only seemed to make him more upset. He got so worked up that he vomited on himself, but Adam and I simply cleaned him off and put him back in his crib.
Now I know you're thinking this sounds really harsh, and to be honest it was one of the worst things to listen to. There is something about hearing your own child cry that just rips at your heart.But then after about an hour he fell asleep! Granted, he woke up again about 30 minutes later, but still. He fell asleep on his own.
The next night was ten times worse. One hour and 45 minutes of screaming. I almost gave in numerous times, but everyone kept telling me that the 2nd night would be the worst. We stuck it out and Ryan once again fell asleep on his own.
Night 3 got better....Ryan cried for 30 minutes and then he was out. Night 4 was 10 minutes! At this point he was still waking back up within an hour of falling asleep. But in my mind it was huge progress, because he was learning to fall asleep without my aid.
Then something wonderful happened 2 nights ago. I nursed him to sleep and he slept for 9 hours straight. Last night he slept for 8 hours straight. I have no idea if he woke up during the night and somehow fell back asleep. If he did, I never heard a peep from him.
WOW! I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for Ryan, that he continues to sleep through the night. :)