Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Welcome 2019! As I think about 2018 it feels like it was another year where we were just trying to keep our heads above water with 4 young kids. Busy but important work!
It was a good year, full of blessings and challenges, but definitely more good than bad. We have so much to be thankful for!
I love the fresh start of a new year. Time to assess what's working and what isn't. Time to set some healthy goals for the new year!
First up is a healthier lifestyle for all of us. I'm sure many of you think we already eat a very healthy diet, but I see room for a lot of improvement. Specifically, fewer junky snacks for the kids and less sugar overall for all of us. Personally, I am going to abstain from sugar for a while, since I feel like I overdid it this holiday season.
When I think about 2019 I simultaneously want it to be simpler and more fun. I think if we can simplify certain area of our life, we will have more time to do fun things together as a family. I feel like we spent an awful lot of time last year cleaning the house and putting stuff away. My thinking is that if we can simplify our stuff, we won't need to spend so much time taking care of it. (See my post about it here) I spent the last couple days going through every drawer and cabinet downstairs and I feel so good about the purging and organizing I did! I want to continue the momentum upstairs.
We have a few really fun things planned for our family in the next year. We are intentionally saving towards making these plans a reality!
Finally, I want to get even more plugged into our church and start strengthening the friendships we have made there. We have been faithful in taking our kids to church but I'd love to go a little deeper and maybe join some sort of group together as a family. It's hard to make that a priority when we are knee-deep in child-raising, but I want to try!
I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in 2019. I pray we can be a blessing to those around us. I pray Adam and I can feel like we are thriving as a family, and as parents, and hopefully sneak a few more date nights in! What are your plans for 2019?

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