Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day In The Life 1/29/19

5:30am - My alarm goes off but I shut it off and roll over to nurse Andrew back to sleep. My head and throat both hurt....I am trying to fight off the cold Lucas and Andrew had last week.

5:40am - I jolt awake, afraid I've overslept. Adam is already getting dressed for work. I manage to slip out of bed without Andrew waking. I notice Jenna is also in our bed. I take a quick shower and wash my hair, then dress quickly and go downstairs to fix Adam's breakfast and lunch.
6am - I start laying out lunches for Adam and the boys. I just went grocery shopping but I already feel like it's slim pickins around here for food.
6:15 - Adam leaves and I hear Andrew start yelling for me. He wakes up Jenna, so I lay next to them in my bed for a few minutes. I bring Andrew downstairs and Jenna soon follows. I start my 1st load of laundry and unload the dishwasher.
6:45 - I wake up Lucas a little early so we can play a game of Crazy 8s, as I promised him. It turns out to be the longest game ever, so we have to put it on pause so he can eat breakfast. I wake up Ryan and he has a very red sore throat.
7:40 - I start more laundry then say goodbye to Lucas
and talk to Emma for a little bit. My Dad comes over every morning to take my boys to school, and often brings Emma and Jacob with him, because he then takes them to school. Isn't he an amazing Grandpa?

8:00 - I sit down to eat my oatmeal and reheated coffee and read a little Joni Eareckson Tada.
8:15 - I package up my latest Trunk Club. I had some referral credit, so I ended up keeping a pretty light pink sweater. It was on sale and I ended up paying nothing for it!
8:45 - Start more laundry. The 3 kids watch Cinderella while I get some cleaning done. Our master bedroom and bathroom get majorly neglected when it comes to cleaning and organizing. But I recently cleaned out our entire closet, so I want to keep the momentum going with our bathroom.
9-10:30 - I alternate between cleaning our bathroom, playing with Andrew and Jenna, helping them learn to share, doing laundry, and giving Ryan some attention. I probably run up and down the stairs 20 times.
10:30 - Yesterday's laundry is all put away! And I'm done cleaning 1 bathroom drawer. I try to follow the rule of never filling a drawer more than 1/2 to 2/3 full.
I tidy up the boys' room and discover peepee sheets on Lucas' bed. Time to start a 4th load of laundry! Here are all the beauty samples I discovered hiding in my bathroom cabinet.
11:00 - I fix Jenna an early lunch because she is going to preschool soon. I let Ryan play a little Nintendo while I clean up the dishes and pay a couple bills. Am I the only one who still uses checks? Yes? Ok, thought so.
My sister arrives with Lyla and the girls play for a few minutes before walking down to school.
11:30 - Ryan and Andrew are playing together nicely, so I take the opportunity to fix myself a greek-style salad for lunch, pick up toys around the house, and start washing Lucas' comforter. It's fun to see the different ways my kids play, depending on which siblings are home. It is rare that my oldest and youngest play together, but Ryan is being very sweet to him.
12:15 - I take Andrew upstairs and nurse him to sleep on his bed (bottom bunk in Lucas' room). Downstairs I talk to Ryan while I start some dried pinto beans cooking for dinner.
 I scarf down my lunch before Andrew wakes up.
12:45 - Andrew is awake! He is yelling at me that he wants to go downstairs so I settle on the couch with him and he dozes off. Unfortunately I am kind of stuck now, so I am forced to lie on the couch and watch The Bachelor for about 30 minutes. Awful, I know. Meanwhile Ryan does this.
1:30 - Ryan seems to be feeling better. We play, switch laundry, and feed Andrew. My Dad comes over at 2 to get Jenna and Lyla from preschool.
 Jenna fixes me a feast in her kitchen. She thinks it's hilarious when I drink her "French fry juice".
2:30- Lucas is home! The kids play on their swings and jump in the trampoline. My sister comes to pick up Lyla. I put away 2 more loads of laundry while my Dad sorts legos with the kids.
3:00 - I fix the kids a snack and then they watch part of a VeggieTales episode about Jonah. I work on this blog a little bit, answer emails, take care of some MOPS business, send some texts, sign school forms, and eat too many tortilla chips. I also sign up for Imperfect Produce. (Use that link to save $10 on your first box of produce)

4:00 - I decide it's time to get my little couch potatoes outside to play. We go out front and play 3 flags up and basketball until Daddy comes home. 
To be honest, the kids are fighting and whining a ton and it isn't fun. At one point Jenna says to me "I wish God didn't give me brothers".
 5:15 - As soon as Adam is out of the shower I put in my earbuds and head out for a run. Right around the 3/4 mile point I feel like I've hit a good groove. My breathing is easy, my legs feel fast, the music is good, and I find myself lip-singing and talking to God while I watch the sun set. It is a good run.

5:45 - Back at home I am greeted by "Mommy hold me!" Mommy hold me!" "He took my eraser!" "Is dinner ready?". I put Andrew on one hip and cook dinner as quickly as possible. My headache is back. 

Meanwhile Daddy and the boys are playing some sort of ball game in the hallway.
 Ryan and I pray before dinner and while we are praying Andrew is shouting "Happy New Year! Amen! Diarrhea!"

6:30 - Dinner is over and mostly cleaned up, so we get the kids in the shower. First, Andrew tries out his new potty seat. Nothing comes out but he's very excited about it!

7pm - The kids are showered so I take a minute to quickly rinse off myself. But first, I brush out my hair. Don't be scared.
7:30 - Ryan is doing his school reading in my room.
Jenna goes upstairs and Adam reads to her and puts her to bed.

I play the rest of our Crazy 8's game with this cutie. He wins.

 And I nurse this little guy to sleep. He falls asleep right at 8pm.
8:00 - I come downstairs and read Ryan's new devotional with him in bed. I'm trying to give him my full attention and not think about what I still need to do. (Pack 3 lunches, defrost meat, straighten my hair, pick up toys, sweep the kitchen and dining room, talk to Adam for 5 seconds)

8:20 - Right as I'm saying goodnight to Ryan, Andrew wakes up. I'm able to get him back to sleep so I sneak back downstairs and plug in my straightening iron. I say goodnight to Ryan again and pull out the broom and lunch bags.

8:45 - Andrew is awake again. This time he won't go back to sleep. So I lay in my bed with him and that's it....I'm stuck. So if you see me on Wednesday with crazy hair, my kids with half-empty lunch boxes, and an unswept house.....that's why.

Edited to add: I got up extra early Wednesday to get these things done. (Adam had to get up at 4:30 for work). Guess who got up early with me? My favorite 2-year-old.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Recent Amazon Purchases

Here is proof of how hooked on Amazon I am. The other day while walking through Target with a few of my kids, I realized I had forgotten something on the other side of the store. The kids were getting crazy and I was in a rush, so rather than walk across the store to get the item, I chose to go home and order it through Amazon Prime. Ha!
I got to thinking about all the things I order through Amazon. Sometimes I use it for gifts, especially around Christmas. Other times I just need something more basic and rather than run out to the store, I choose to use Amazon and have it delivered. And more often than not, I can get a better price through Amazon than anywhere else. Plus free shipping!

I thought it would be fun to peek inside my Amazon cart and see some of the things I've been ordering recently.

Health & Beauty

Elderberry Gummies
Yes, I still make my own elderberry syrup. You can read my blog post about it here:
However, my two oldest boys do not like the taste of it. So every day when Andrew, Jenna and I drink our syrup, I give the big boys 2 of these elderberry gummies. They are quite sweet so they have no problem taking them.

Vicks Plug-In Vaporizer
We have shockingly been having a healthy winter so far. Maybe from all the elderberry we've been consuming?? However, Lucas and Andrew both had a very mild cold last week. So at bedtime I plugged in their Vicks Waterless Vaporizer. It comes with tiny pads you insert and throw away after one night's use. I plugged it in, left the room for a few minutes, and when I came back the entire room was so fragrant! The Vicks really helps open up their airways and clear up their stuffy noses, especially at night.

Charcoal Whitening Toothpaste
For many years now I've been noticing how yellow my teeth are becoming. Probably because I drink coffee and tea every day. I've tried whitening strips but to be honest....if it's one more thing for me to remember to do, I'm probably not going to stick with it. When I heard about this all natural whitening toothpaste, I decided to give it a try....because I'm already brushing my teeth so it's not like it's any extra effort. It is made with activated charcoal and coconut. The taste is neutral...not bad but not minty fresh. And guess what? After using it just 2 days I honestly noticed my teeth were whiter! I have used it daily for about 2 weeks now and I think my teeth are so much whiter! Bonus: It leaves my teeth feeling squeaky clean, like I've just been to the dentist.

This is my new favorite mascara. I was previously using one by the same brand but it was so clumpy! This one leaves zero gunky black clumps on my lashes and I just love it. If you're in the market for a new mascara I highly recommend this one.


Down Alternative Bed Pillows
 Adam bought me these pillows for Christmas and I am in love with them. I have been gushing about them so much that he ended up buying himself a set a few weeks later! We bought the king size so they are quite large, but I love them. I sleep with one behind my head and one at a slant, kind of half under my shoulder and half next to my body so I can hug it. They are firm but still squishy enough to be comfortable. And they are a terrific price, in my opinion.

Fabric Labels

Ok I know these look kind of boring but hey, I'm a Mom. These little things that make life easier are exciting! These fabric labels are so versatile. I used them initially for the boys' lunch bags, backpacks, and thermoses for school. Because my boys love to forget their things in random places at school. But then I got fed up one days with my kids mixing up their toothbrushes, so I labeled all their toothbrushes with these (I used a permanent market to write their names) and they have stuck tight ever since.

Black & Decker Hand Vacuum
I had a dustbuster for a few years but the battery finally died, so Adam bought me this replacement. I use it every single day to attack couch crumbs, dust along the baseboards or stairs, or cheerios that have been spilled under kids' beds. My kids also love using this, which makes it even better.

Family Organizer/Planner

After a lot of research, this is the planner I ended up purchasing for myself for 2019. It's not a super fancy one, but it gets the job done. My favorite part is the weekly tear-out shopping list. Each week also has an area for a short to-do list (anyone else love crossing off their to-dos?), as well as an area to write prayer requests or praises. So far it's perfect for my needs. And as far as planners go, it's pretty inexpensive.


Hairdorables Doll

Jenna got one of these Hairdorables for Christmas, and then we gifted one to her cousin Lyla. What makes it fun is that everything in the box is a surprise. You don't know which doll or accessories you're going to get. Every one I have seen is adorable!

Brain Flakes
Ahhh brain flakes! One of our newest obsessions. These provide endless entertainment for kids who like creating or building. All 3 of my older kids can use these, and I love that they encourage open-ended play. Can't say enough good things about them.

Disc Swing
These disc swings are hands-down our most loved and used Christmas present. We hung them from our back porch pergola and the kids LOVE them. They are out there every single day swinging. If you have a tree or other structure to hang one from, buy one for your kids!!

Bus Stop Game
We now own 2 Orchard Toys games and they are just so fun and cute. Jenna already owned Crazy Chefs, which is probably our favorite. For Christmas she received the Bus Stop game and it is just as cute! The age range is 4-8. I would say Ryan gets a little bored with these games but Jenna has played them since she was 3, and Lucas will still play them at 6, so I would say 3-7 is an appropriate age range. The Bus Stop game teaches basic math while you drive around town picking up people with your bus. The Crazy Chefs game requires you to find the necessary ingredients to "cook" your meal. I'd highly recommend any of the Orchard Toys board games for your little kids.

There you go....a glimpse into what we've been Amazon Priming. What have you bought recently from Amazon?

Disclaimer: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

More Veggies for Jenna!

Last week I was snapping photos of everything Jenna ate, in preparation to write a blog post. And as I was looking at the pictures from 3 days' worth of eating, I noticed something. Jenna hadn't eaten a single vegetable!
Jenna is absolutely my best eater. Not only will she eat more variety and healthier foods in general, but she isn't so stubborn that she won't try a bite of something new. (I'm looking at you Lucas).
Foods Jenna will happily eat that her brothers won't even smell: Sunflower Seeds, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Cucumbers, Garbanzo Beans, Broccoli, Eggs, Peanut Butter, Elderberry Syrup, Grapefruit...….
So then how did 3 days go by with no vegetables?
I think I just view Jenna as the "good eater" so I don't put as much effort into nagging her to eat the good stuff. I put it on her plate and then get busy with her brothers and don't realize she isn't actually eating it. Luckily, Jenna will usually eat her fruits and veggies with some reminding from me.

 I just have to be intentional about actually doing it!
 Here are a few of Jenna's recent meals:
So tell me, what are some fun or creative ways you serve vegetables to your kids? The boys pretty much refuse to eat any and all veggies, but I have hope for Jenna!