Monday, October 23, 2017

Andrew's Baby Dedication

Yesterday our baby Andrew John Nullmeyer was dedicated to God at our church.
Our church does not do baby baptisms because they believe a child should be old enough to make the decision for themselves. Instead, they do a church-wide baby dedication where each baby is prayed over.
One of the pastors at our church conducted Andrew's dedication. He anointed our heads with oil while he prayed.
The word wisdom was chosen for Andrew. (When Jenna was dedicated, her word was peace.) "May Andrew John Nullmeyer walk with God's wisdom, strength, peace, and joy all the days of his life. May this child bless others as he has been blessed. Amen!"
 (Close your eyes kids!)
 Pastor Parnell Lovelace chose Psalm 121 for Andrew. "The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life...."
 It was so nice having Andrew surrounded by his family for this special event.

 Prior to the ceremony, we attempted to capture a perfect family photo for future Christmas cards.
 All lined up! When the Pastor saw our kids he said they looked like little stair-steps.
Thank you God for our little family!

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