Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Month Off Facebook

I have spent the last almost 4 weeks on a Facebook break. I have popped in a few times here and there, mostly to check party invites or other real-life events. At first it was really strange being off of Facebook! But within a few days it was kind of nice.

I had a few good reasons to take a break.

Facebook is so addicting! I know you all can relate. It's so easy to get lost scrolling through the newsfeed, that before you know it, you've wasted a bunch of time. In this season of life, I want to be more focused and intentional with my time.

I didn't like my kids seeing me with my phone constantly in my hand, my eyes glued to the screen. They deserve my attention, not Facebook.

I rarely logged off of Facebook feeling any better. Rather, it would often make me feel like less of a Mom, cause me to click off on random ads, or just make me wish I was someone else. One ad would make me feel fat. Another person's post would make me question my parenting choices. A recipe post would make me rethink my week's menu plan. It's like Facebook was making my brain scrambled. Too much input!!

So what have we been doing the last few weeks? Well I am happy to finally say that I've lost all my baby weight! I began the Whole30 3 weeks ago and I have lost 10 pounds so far! I will do a big recap of my Whole30 experience once it is over.

We had baby Andrew dedicated at church.

 We played dress-up and got ready for Halloween.
Our good friends from the Bay Area came up to visit.

 And we just enjoyed life!

It was a good month.

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