Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ryan: 9 Months

Happy 9-month birthday Ryan! This month was a fun one for you, exploring every single thing you could get your hands on. You continue to stand up every chance you get. You haven't attempted to take any steps yet without holding on to something. If you see something you want, you will simply sit down and crawl to it rather than even trying to walk.
You love your sippy cup and throw a mini-tantrum every time I try to take it away from you. Your interest in foods is slowly returning. New foods this month included cheese (you actually don't seem to love it that much), beets, hummus, cottage cheese, kale and egg yolk.
You are so much fun to play with, especially when you are smiling and laughing. You like being tickled and playing peek-a-boo. I have noticed lately that you are much more likely to laugh when it's just the two of us, or when Daddy is around. You are more quiet and serious when other friends and family are around. Maybe you will be a shy little boy? I'm just happy that I get to see your silly side. It melts my heart!
Your big accomplishment this month was learning to say "Dada". I don't think you necessarily associate it with Adam yet, but I think you will soon. You have also been saying "Yayaya" a lot lately.You weigh about 19 pounds now. You are looking much sturdier these days, but don't seem to be as tall as other babies your age. I can't believe you wear size 12 month clothing already!Sleep is still an issue, as I fear it will be for quite some time. You have started to nap more, totaling about 1 hour per day. But those darn nights......
I can't wait to see what your 10th month will bring. I love you Baby Boy!


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