Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ryan: 8 Months

My sweet 8-month old baby boy! You continued to grow and explore the world more than ever this month.

You currently have 6 teeth, but I have a feeling #7 is about to make it's debut. You have been crabby and drooly lately, and I think you may be sprouting a fang. What a toothy little guy you are!

Last month I was about to give up on you crawling, but right after you turned 7 months you started crawling! You are a pro at it now, and you seem to get speedier each day. Gone are the days of laying you down for "just one second". I learned my lesson when you crawled right off the side of the bed a few weeks ago.

Your new favorite hobby is standing up and letting go. You love to "surf" and try to balance yourself without any help. You have sturdy little legs, and I have no doubt you will be walking within a few months.

We bought a sound machine recently that plays white noise sounds. It seems to be helping you stay asleep for longer periods of time. I'm hoping this continues because I'm going to go crazy from lack of sleep!

You have been kind of indifferent about eating this month, both solids and breastmilk. You would rather play or practice your standing skills than be stuck in a highchair or mommy's arms. I continue to give you new foods, and your newest food is yogurt. You make a face at the coldness of it, but you seem to like it. Next up is cheese! If you are anything like your Daddy (and Mommy) you will love cheese.

Most days you are a pretty quiet, serious baby. You seem intelligent and aware of everything around you, but you don't react much verbally. I think you are taking everything in and thinking about it. I am beginning to see your little personality emerge, however. For example, when you get too close to the edge of the bed I say "no no no" in a singsong voice. You respond by looking up at me with a sly little smile and then proceeding to try and leap off the edge. It's frustrating but cute!

I love you baby boy!

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