Friday, December 3, 2010

Ryan: 7 Months

This 7-month post is late because you had your first fever this past weekend. You were so pitiful and of course I was worried about you. You basically slept all weekend, seemed better on Monday, and then developed a rash on your tummy, back, and neck. You finally seem back to normal, so here we go with your 7-month update!

This month was full of big changes for you! You continue to surprise me each and every day. I knew you would grow fast, but all of a sudden time seems to be flying by! You are slowly showing signs of becoming a little boy. What happened to my tiny baby?

You now have 4 adorable teeth! But OUCH! They are not so adorable when you use them to bite Mommy over and over. The edge of your crib is now covered in a row of tooth marks.
You're still scooting around, but not quite crawling. I am beginning to think you might just skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking. Speaking of walking, you are now pulling yourself up to standing. You love standing up in your crib and "yelling" at me. I have even caught you walking around the edge of your crib, while holding on to the edge. Maybe you will walk early like your Mommy?
I continue to give you a new food to try every few days. So far you like everything except the butternut squash I lovingly made for you from scratch. Oh, and avocado. You still are not a fan of this yummy food. But you happily eat 3 solid meals a day, along with about 6 breastfeeding "meals".
Sleep is an ongoing problem. Ever since we lowered down the side of your crib, I can no longer lower you down into your crib while asleep. You instantly wake up, pull up to standing, and start crying. You have been sleeping in bed with us every night for the past two weeks. Result? You are happy and Mommy is getting no sleep.
I took you to the playground for the first time this month. (Hmmm maybe that's where you got sick from). You tried out the swing and weren't too sure what to think. You kind of just stayed paralyzed in the seat while I pushed you.We have been teaching you to wave, and it's kind of hit or miss. You like to wave at the dog. I have also been teaching you the word Mama. You haven't said it by itself yet, but you have started including it in your string of words you use when whining or babbling. Kind of like WaaahGooMAMABaWaah. What a brilliant child you are.
You weigh just over 17 and a half pounds. I can't believe you have already started to outgrow a couple of 9-month outfits. I catch myself almost daily looking at you and trying to imagine what you will look like 1,2,5 or 10 years from now. You've changed so much recently, and I am excited to see what you will look like once you are walking and talking.

Love you Baby Ryan!

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