Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crazy Week

It's been a really crazy week for me so far, and it's only Wednesday! Work is extremely busy, which cuts into my relaxing time in the evening when I cook dinner, walk the dog, and catch up on mindless television. As a result, I'm feeling really run-down tonight. So I'll make this update quick.

I had my glucose blood test done on Saturday to check for gestational diabetes. They had me drink an orange glucose drink that actually was not horrible. Towards the end it got to be a bit's basically a bunch of sugar! I then had to sit still for one hour. I wasn't even allowed to get up and walk. Then they took my blood. A high blood sugar level would indicate diabetes, or an inability to process sugar correctly. The "normal" range is less than 140, and mine was 97! Passed with flying colors. Take that, Doctor! I think she was convinced I had gestational diabetes, so I'm feeling pretty smug right now.

I have secret plans for Valentine's Day. I'm going to buy tickets for Adam and I to see Jeff Dunham with some friends in Oakland. Adam doesn't know about it, but he doesn't read my blog so I'm not too worried about him finding out.

Speaking of friends, I am so excited to announce that a very good friend of mine is pregnant! I am excited to have someone else go through at least part of this journey with me.


  1. YAY!!! I'm so excited for all of us! And congrats on passing your glucose test!

  2. Wow, everyone is having babies right now! I know of atleast 5 people. Anyway, glad to hear your glucose test went well.
