Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Slow Chattering

Jenna is pretty slow when doing certain things. Like getting dressed. Using the bathroom. Getting into her car seat. Getting out of her car seat. Eating meals. Lots of things. I don't like constantly telling my kids to "hurry up!", but unfortunately I find myself using these words more and more with her.
It recently occurred to me one of the major reasons why she seems so slow.

She talks a LOT!
Jenna chatters constantly. She has a lot to say. She pretty much talks all day long. And sometimes when she is in the middle of doing something, like getting out of the bathtub, for example, she has to stop and tell me things. Lots of things. I find myself saying things like "Jenna, move while you talk!".
She's just a chatty little girl right now, and I am trying to be extra patient so that I can stop and listen to her. But sometimes it just isn't convenient! So tell me, do your kids talk your ear off?

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