Thursday, April 5, 2018

Andrew at 13 Months

I wasn't planning on doing a 13-month update, but I feel like so much has changed lately with Andrew!

-He's a guy's guy.

I have never had a baby who prefers his Daddy over me. But now I do! When Adam walks in the room Andrew will always lunge for him and prefer to be held by him.

He also adores my Dad! He is very content just sitting on his lap, and he always seems to seek out Grandpa in a room full of people.
And of course he has a soft spot for Lucas. The two of them just crack each other up and play together really well.
-He is a mess.

I mean, most 1-year olds are messes. But Andrew seems to be particularly messy. It's like he intentionally walks around and destroys things, smears food in his hair, and spills stuff everywhere. Messy but cute!
 -Andrew pretends to be shy

For the past few weeks Andrew has been putting his head on the floor whenever he gets mad. But now he is also doing it when he's feeling shy. At least I think that is what he's doing! If someone talks to him who is kind of a "stranger" he will hide his head and just get very silent. Then he will peek out to see if they're still looking at him.

-The hair!

Andrew has always had a pretty good head of hair. But just this month it really seemed to get thicker and longer. I love it and I don't see myself cutting it anytime soon. (Even though he got called a girl for the first time this month!)

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