Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2 Week Checkup

Lucas had his 2 week checkup yesterday and I am happy to say he is growing like a weed! Such an opposite experience this time for all of us. Ryan wasn't even back at his birth weight at 2 weeks, and it was then that we began to suspect he had colic. Lucas, however, gained 28 ounces in 14 days (double the average of 1 ounce per day!) and for the most part, he is still a pretty content baby.

Here are Lucas' growth stats as of 2 weeks:

Weight: 8 lbs, 9 oz (40%)
Height: 21.5 inches (75%)
Head: 14.5 inches (40%)

His doctor gave me permission to let Lucas go 4 hours in between feedings at night, since he is growing so well. Now if only I could convince Lucas that this is a good idea! He wakes up every couple hours and doesn't necessarily want to nurse, but just to be held.

We also talked about taking Lucas out to public places, such as the grocery store or to Ryan's speech therapy. He had originally told me to keep Lucas at home for the first month, but he said it would be fine to take him out now, as long as I don't let anyone near him to touch him. Because Lucas is over 8 lbs, I can start wearing him in a baby carrier, such as the Moby Wrap. So I might try to take him out and wear him sometime this week. I'm anxious to get out of the house, and so is Ryan!


  1. How come the doctor said to leave him at home for a month? A particular concern or is that just common practice?
    He is absolutely adorable Steph and I'm happy that so far he's a happy and content little guy!

  2. It's just common practice here. I think most doctors recommend keeping newborns away from any public place for a month. Although I remember taking Ryan to the grocery store at 2.5 weeks....
