Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Ryan: TEN

Happy 10th Birthday Ryan James Nullmeyer!!
I can't believe you have been in our lives for an entire decade. I can so clearly remember the days of pacing the house with a screaming baby in my arms, wondering if you would ever go to sleep.
These days I'm not really able to pick you up when you cry, but I still finding myself wondering WHEN you're every going to go to sleep! Haha. You've turned into a teenager with your sleeping habits.

You are such a complicated mixture of personality traits. You are extremely sensitive, especially when you feel something isn't fair. You love to argue. You insert yourself into every situation going on around you, whether it has to do with you or not! You can be extremely goofy but also very serious and moody. You tend to be a very glass-half-empty kind of guy.

(The classic Ryan face)
You still call me Mommy on occasion, which I think is so sweet. You still ask me to lay down next to you at bedtime, and I happily oblige you most nights. It's the only chance we get to talk without little siblings interrupting.
You've always been very athletic, and your big moment this Spring was being drafted into the majors in little league. Unfortunately, baseball got put on hold so we never got to see you play in a game. We are hoping you get to play soccer again in the Fall!
Your eating habits are pretty much the same as they've been for a while now. You love pizza, burgers, tacos, and anything covered in nutella. You rarely eat breakfast, but will often eat 2 or 3 bowls of cereal before bed.
You started at a new school this year, and the transition was pretty smooth for you. You still do not like school, though. You always tell me it feels like a big waste of time.
Despite your seriousness and aloofness, you can still be such a little kid. Like last night when you flew through the kitchen on your 3-yr-old brother's car!
When I snapped these pictures of you, your weird faces immediately reminded me of some I took 7 years ago.
I that not THE cutest little boy you've ever seen!?

Random facts about you: You have a really nice singing voice!! Your nails grow frighteningly fast. You love eating salmon. You enjoy watching murder mysteries with me. You are really good at figuring out computer problems. You have no fear of animals.
Ryan James, I love you so much. You made me a mother, and I am honored to help guide you towards someday becoming a man. God has given me a very special boy to raise, and I can't wait to see what TEN is like for you!
Happy Birthday! We love you so much!

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