Friday, April 17, 2020

Coronatine Days 30-34

Are we really on day 30-something of this corona quarantine?

Adam made a couple changes in the playroom (just moving the slide over and cutting a new door down below). We did a little rearranging and organizing and suddenly the kids loved playing in there again! Monday was also spent picking up more of the boys' supplies and curriculum from school and organizing our school room (dining room) for the coming week.

This past Tuesday was back to home. I have to admit, it was a rough day. Particularly for Ryan. He has certain subjects he really dislikes and let's just say he really disliked them this week.

We have been collecting the free lunches offered by our local school. Anyone else have a fridge full of individual cartons of chocolate milk? They're really starting to pile up over here!
Tuesday was just an all-around bad day for Ryan. In addition to hating school, he fell off his bike and scratched himself up pretty good. I somehow convinced him to get back on and go on a bike ride with us....and he fell off again! I sent him home and continued on with just Lucas and Jenna.
That evening Jenna wrote her first book! She is starting to sound out words on her own, so she made up a whole story about a cat being pushed in to a puddle. She wrote and illustrated it and now I'm going to save it forever.

"Her person bumped her and she fell on a puddle"

Wednesday started off really slow. Ryan had been up until almost midnight on Tuesday with horrible allergies (told you he had a bad day!) He ended up sleeping in my bed....along with Jenna and Andrew. Not the best night for any of us. So Wednesday was spent doing school in jammies, sometimes in the backyard.
It warmed up so much we put together our new shark splash pad!
The big boys weren't too impressed but the 2 littles loved it.
Thursday - I caught someone reading a book!! Ryan is not much of a reader, so when I find him reading I document it!

Actually, I just became an Usborne book consultant (maybe I'll blog more about it soon), and Ryan was reading one of the books they sell. Shopping link here:

Some of the super fun Usborne activity books we've been using to supplement school with!

This little guy is now officially potty-trained! Now was the perfect time to do it, since we're stuck at home. He has even stayed dry at night for a week straight now. Good job Drewski!
Part of Thursday afternoon was spent watching this crane across the street lift up a big palm tree. We probably spent an hour standing around trying to figure out what they were going to do with it. They finally hauled it away on the back of a flatbed landscaping truck.
That night I was tired. I mean, it's a lot to suddenly be a teacher to all your kids, start up an online book business....and still cook and clean up every single meal for 6 people every day! I'm not complaining though....I really am cherishing all this time we have together. I know I will look back on it and miss it. Anyways......I put on my big girl panties and threw together a quick dinner of salad and bacon tomato pasta.
Friday - Fridays are "catch-up" days for school, which I really appreciate!! After Ryan and I finished some of his work, I had the boys do some reading and then instructed them to do art, spanish or music. Lucas chose art of course. Ryan looked up YouTube videos on tricks to do with rubberbands (ummm is this science? art?). Jenna chose music, so I officially sat down with her and gave her a mini beginner's piano lesson!
Then something exciting happened.....we got caterpillars! A few weeks ago I saw Lucas would be doing a unit study on insects, so I used some of Jenna's homeschooling funds to order a butterfly habitat.
We're excited to observe them and see what happens!
Friday afternoon was spent hiking at Griffith Quarry. Every afternoon we try to do some sort of PE time. The weather was cool and perfect for exploring outside.
The kids watched Rookie of the Year this evening, which only made me sad about the boys missing baseball this season.
My Dad dropped off ice cream for the kids....and I got a surprise delivery of Coldstone ice cream from my Usborne leader! The perfect way to end a Friday Night.

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