Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronatine Days 35-36

Saturday - Our weekend began with homemade whipped cream on top of waffles....followed by an entire morning of chores.
 The boys did yardwork and I did some light reading in the backyard with this cutie.
 I took all 4 kids on a bike ride, and afterwards we set up our tent on the back deck.
 We read flashlight books.
 And posed for pictures. The plan was for the boys to sleep out there but they got scared pretty quickly and came inside.

Sunday - This guy doesn't know how to sleep in, so we got up early and started building a train track in the playroom.
 He talked and talked and talked and we built a really cool track.
 By 9am everyone was up and fed, so we watched church on TV
 While making creations out of brain flakes! (These things are seriously great)
Late morning I sat down with Jenna to give her a little piano lesson. I dug up my old beginner piano books, and found the date of 1990 on them. That means I was 8 years old, so I guess Jenna may be a little young to be learning at 5. She did just fine though! Lucas got interested enough to sit down next and ask for a lesson, which was really neat. He said he wants to practice again tomorrow.
The kids and I packed up a picnic lunch and met my sister and 3 of her girls over at their park. Don't worry.....we sat on blankets about 10 feet apart from each other. The kids played down in the creek for a couple hours and had a terrific time getting wet and dirty and just being kids.
 Back at home Andrew helped me make some mashed potatoes
 And the other 4 had a lego-building contest. I was the judge of their creations at dinnertime.
And finally, the boys tried sleeping in the tent again last night.....and they lasted the entire night! It did get pretty cold, and this morning I found Ryan wrapped up in the sleeping bag, and Lucas cold and shivering under a thin blanket.
Another good quarantine weekend spent together as a family! I am just so thankful for our health and for all this time together. It's a LOT of time together, but we are making time for things we normally wouldn't do, and the slower pace feels really nice.

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