Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Andrew's 3-Year Checkup

Andrew had his 3-year doctor checkup today. I considered cancelling, due to the coronavirus, but I figured Andrew was due for some vaccines. Turns out he wasn't! The doctor's office was eerily empty, and we got in and out as quickly as possible. Here are Andrew's 3-year growth stats!

Weight: 31 lbs (42%)
Height: 3' 1" (38%)

In his doctor's words, "Andrew's perfect". Ha!

Andrew had a vision check, where he had to match letters while one of his eyes was covered. He giggled the entire time and thought it was such a fun game. (Vision was great)

I really had no concerns to discuss with his doctor. We did talk briefly about the flu virus our family had a few weeks ago. All of us got hit with it, and Andrew's cough developed into the croup on the 2nd night of being sick. I've had kids with croup before, and I absolutely hate the sound. It's scary to imagine their airway being inflamed enough to restrict their breathing. Well, that night Andrew's cough sounded horrible. It was the barking seal cough but it was also incredibly loud and harsh and frequent. I took him outside to breath in the cool night air, sat in a steamy bathroom, used a humidifier....nothing helped at all.

Finally around midnight I called the advice nurse. After listening to him over the phone, she consulted with a doctor and determined he needed steroids to open up his airway. I rushed out to our emergency pharmacy and picked up the medicine. At home he was upset over the idea of taking medicine, and of course crying makes croup so much worse. I got most of the medicine in him.....and he immediately threw up. Ohhh I felt so helpless at that point. He struggled through the rest of the night and this Mama stayed up worrying and praying.

I'm so glad that flu is behind us, and hoping for continued healthy days ahead. For us and for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to lay Andrew down on the exam table and pull his pants and undies off and start stroking his penis off then give him a blowjob until he explodes all his cum into my mouth and I swallow it then I roll Andrew over and play with his smooth chubby little boy bum and then he said that he needed to go pee so I said ok then I rolled him over again then I started sucking on his penis and he started peeing on the exam table and he said sorry and I said you don’t need to be sorry Some of my exams make my patients pee then I started sucking on his penis head and making him moan then I said good boy I love slippery little boy penises then I made him explode his cum into my mouth.
