Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronatine Days 4-6

Like my new word? Corona Quarantine = Coronatine. We are about a week in to our "staycation", although it was just officially yesterday that they ordered a shelter-in-place for our county. I truly hope people take it seriously and only leave home if absolutely necessary. Adam did something to his knee at work on Tuesday that caused a lot of pain and swelling and fluid on it, so he has been home with us the past couple days.

Day 4 Tuesday - St. Patrick's Day began with some drawing and coloring.
We went over to the boys' school to pick up their schoolwork and chrome books. I was so impressed with their teachers' organization!

After lunch we rode bikes over to Jenna's preschool to pick up some St. Patrick's Day crafts her teacher had prepared ahead of time and left on her porch. We took advantage of the clear skies to ride our bikes around the local park and grab a few books from the Little Free Library box. (Although I questioned whether the books were sanitary to touch??)
 She found the pot of gold!
 With homeschooling beginning the next day, I decided we needed a loose schedule to follow.
I prepared a Corned Beef, Cabbage and Potato feast for dinner. Complete with homemade irish soda bread. Lucas ate a plate of dry cheerios for dinner.

Day 5 Wednesday - Our first official day of doing school at home! We turned our dining room in to our classroom and got started.
 "PE" is scheduled for 2:30-4:30, and I am so thankful that we can still play outside! My Dad and I took the kids over to the local school to ride bikes and play tetherball with our elbows. No touching with our hands!!
Friday night used to be our movie night, and it was the one time per week we let the kids watch a movie. Well, movie night is a little more frequent these days. On Wednesday the kids watched some Gnomes movie. I decided I hadn't stocked up on nearly enough treats, so I made some homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Day 6 Thursday - School went fairly smoothly in the morning. We do Math from 9-10, then a little bit of language arts until breaktime at 10:30. At 11 Ryan had a google hangout with his class, followed by social studies and writing. Lucas also did social studies at this time. After lunch the kids do quiet reading, and today they decided to read in the sunshine.
For PE we went in search of the local goats/sheep but they were on the opposite side of the busy street.
 So we headed back to the school for soccer and obstacle courses.
We've started on another 1000-piece puzzle. I was thinking of asking a friend to do a doorstep puzzle swap with us, but then I wondered if it would turn in to a germ-swap? Such strange times these are.
So how are you all doing? Are you mostly staying at home? How are you keeping your kids occupied?

We aren't a super social go-go-go family, so I don't feel like the social distancing has been that hard yet. All this leisurely family time is great. It's just weird having this unknown cloud looming over us. I jolted awake last night after dreaming about a plane crashing down from the sky. I think this situation is probably affecting us in ways we don't even understand yet. 

Stay healthy my friends, and stay home if possible!!

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