Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronatine Days 7-9

How are you all doing out there in your homes? I have to admit, my thoughts and feelings are kind of all over the place. I am putting 2 Corinthians 10:5 in to practice and "taking my thoughts captive" whenever I feel worry and anxiety creeping in. I'm trying to examine my thoughts to see if they come from God. If they're based on fear, I let them go and instead focus on God's truths.

Day 7 Friday - We all got a late start Friday morning. There were some bad attitudes (kids), headaches (me) and just some overall frustration. But we got our schoolwork done and went outside for a picnic lunch.

 And chalked our sidewalk! Us girls drew flowers and smiles and cute happy things.
 Lucas wrote this
 And Ryan wrote "Be Kind Today".....and something about a fluffy potato.

That afternoon we just played and played and played.
The game of life!

Day 8 Saturday - It was another slow morning, with pancakes, eggs and oranges around the breakfast table.
 Adam gave all 3 boys haircuts.
 And 2 of them ended up with a mohawk!! I seem to have lost the picture of Lucas but he has a lightning bolt on the side of his head.
 I juiced a ton of lemons, and Adam showed off his juggling skills with a few of them.
We had plans for a family bike ride....but Lucas had an awful rage/tantrum/meltdown. It kind of ruined the afternoon by the time it was over. I ended up just taking Jenna out for a bike ride and it was really nice! She is so comfortable on her bike, so we rode all over the place.

I prepared a yummy dinner of chicken fajitas and spanish rice. So far my food supply is working out well, and I don't expect I'll need to go to the store for another week or 2.

Day 9 Sunday - Sunday morning began with online church and puzzles.
The kids made some cute pictures to drop off on our local family's front porches. But then we questioned whether that was smart to do, since germs can live on paper. We are saving them to deliver at a later time. Jenna misses her cousins!
 We had a productive afternoon in the backyard! Jenna and I planted her herbs.
 We cleaned off the deck.
And this cool guy mowed the lawn.
 Ryan mowed the front lawns, with a little help from Andrew.
We came inside and had some Skype time with Grandma Jan. It was our first time using it but it definitely won't be the last. Thank goodness for this kind of technology right now!
I took Ryan and Lucas out for a bike ride before dinner and we ended up riding all over for nearly an hour. We saw tons of people out biking, walking, playing basketball, baseball. I think it's great to see so many families outdoors, as long as they aren't touching anything or anybody!

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