Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus Social Distancing Days 1-3

Well, a lot has changed in a short amount of time. The Coronavirus has pretty much shut down the world, and we went from our normal activities to home isolation in just a few days. As someone with health anxiety, I won't lie and say I'm totally worry free. But I will say this. I know Jesus and I know He is still on His throne, ruling the world. None of this has taken Him by surprise. He is still in control. And although we are not promised a life of ease and certainty, we are promised eternal life if we believe in Jesus as our Savior. We are also promised that God will never leave us or forsake us. So I am trying to not have a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7)

I'm also trying to not get sucked in to reading the news all day long. It's hard! Thankfully, I have my kids home 24/7 to distract me. I'm trying to really appreciate this total pause on life. No formal school, no baseball (no baseball uniforms to wash!), no gymnastics, no preschool, no MOPS, no playdates. Those of us fortunate enough to be at home have been given the gift of time with our families. I considered taking a blogging break, but thought it might be interesting to look back on this time and read about what we did and how we felt.

On both Thursday and Friday last week I went out grocery shopping. Before we even had the official word about school shutdowns, I decided we were gong to hunker down for a while at home. I didn't honestly think stores would become empty, but my thought was if this virus is out in the community, I don't want to go to the store! So in an attempt to feed my family of 6 for the next 3ish weeks, I spent quite a bit of money at Costco and Safeway. I'm so glad I went out when I did. I stocked up on plenty of dry good and snacks, that will not go bad anytime soon. I also got plenty of meat, eggs, chicken and milk from Costco. I tried to be strategic with produce. I got lots of fresh berries and grapes, which we are eating now, as well as frozen fruit which can be used for smoothies later on. I'm trying to use up food that will go bad first, and save the heartier foods (like apples, broccoli, potatoes) for next week.  
Day 1: Saturday was a rainy day. My Mom came over in the morning and brought the kids a rock-painting kit, which led to a few calm hours of painting throughout the day.
We also completed a 1000-piece puzzle together as a family, as well as some smaller ones. I foresee a lot of puzzles in our future!
Day 2 : In the morning we watched Live church on our TV. Isn't technology amazing right now? I also went out and made one last attempt to find TP, but came home empty-handed. Well, I came home with 1 paper towel roll. (We have enough TP to last at least a week)

Andrew then broke our kitchen faucet trying to wash his hands, so Adam had to go buy a new one and replace it. Thankfully we're not on total lockdown....yet.....so we were able to get it replaced quickly.

Jenna has started sounding out and writing words, so this weekend she wrote a few "books"!
We spent a couple hours playing Ticket To Ride in the afternoon, and finished our night with the new movie Spies in Disguise.

Day 3: Monday morning Adam went to work as usual. Since he provides heat/cool to people's houses, his work is considered necessary right now. Selfishly, I'd like him to just stay at home safe with us. But we need the money and people need heat right now. So off to work he went.

The kids and I left the house to go to the drive-thru ATM. (I wore a glove on my hand when I touched the ATM. What a strange time we're living in!) We also dropped off a surprise on our friend's porch.

In the afternoon we finally put our canvas prints back on our wall. We took them down in October when the house was painted!
It was still raining and the kids were getting argumentative and restless. So we did some timed obstacle courses in the playroom. And then the kids climbed the walls....literally.
Our 3rd day of quarantine ended with the first few chapters of Matilda and a game of Rummikub

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