Friday, February 28, 2020

Andrew: Three

Happy Third Birthday Andrew John Nullmeyer!
I can't type out your full name without hearing your cute voice saying "I'm Andrew John Nullmeyer". If anyone ever asks you your name, you say your entire name. Although around here you're just "Drewski", or "Drewski-man".
At the age of three you are both Mr. Independent and a total Mama's boy. You enjoy doing lots of things for yourself now, like pouring water from the refrigerator into your cup, climbing onto the counter to help, and trying to put on your socks. However, you still love being held and cuddling with me, and you can be quite clingy and needy.
You are into everything! You're full of energy and curiosity....and a bit of mischief. Off the top of my head I'm remembering that blue toothpaste on the carpet, the flooded bathroom, the pink nail polish on our new couch.....just to name a few of your recent activities.
I wouldn't necessarily call you easy-going. You don't throw huge tantrums like your brother Lucas did at this age, although you have started hitting a little bit, or screaming when you get really upset. You fight me over getting into your carseat, you fight with your sister over toys, and you can be kind of moody.
You play with Jenna the most, since you two are home together most days. You do love being goofy with Lucas, and you two seem to kind of "get" each other. Grandpa is one of your favorite people, and you will almost always go to him and just kind of curl up in his lap.
Your favorite foods include lots of protein foods like eggs, meat, chicken, beans, sausage. You also love cheese and you love to sneak into the fridge and get your own string cheese for a snack. You aren't as picky as your older will eat foods like steamed broccoli and roasted brussels sprouts, although you don't love many fruits.
Your sleep still isn't great. You end up in our bed every single night, pretty much attached to me. I'm vowing this will be the year for you to stay in your own bed! And potty-train. I have lots of goals for us to tackle! I'm grateful that you still take a nap most days (on the couch), although lately they have been getting much shorter.
We're pretty sure you're going to be a lefty (like Daddy!). You always throw and kick with your left hand/foot. You seem pretty coordinated to me, so I'm sure you'll play sports like your brothers. You already think you're a baseball player. 
We had planned to send you to the same 2-day in-home preschool class your siblings went to when they were 3, but that won't be an option next year. So now I'm trying to figure out if/where to send you to preschool. You already talk about your "class" and your "friends" as if you were a big kid, so I'm sure you'll enjoy school whenever you end up going.

Just look at you at 3 months....
versus 3 years!

Andrew I love you so much and time is just flying by with you. My baby is 3 and I don't know how it happened! I pray you would continue to grow into the boy God made you to be; the laughing energetic crazy cute Drewski.

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