Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jenna's Outfit Opinions

Oh my goodness. All of a sudden Jenna has become so opinionated and stubborn about what she wears. I feel like we're in uncharted territory here!

My boys never cared too much about their clothes. Ryan has become much more particular in the past year, in that he wants to wear whatever is extremely comfy. (No jeans or anything too "nice"). But at the age of 4? They couldn't care less.

Jenna is another story. She hates anything I pick out for her to wear. So recently I have been telling her she can pick her outfits, as long as they are weather-appropriate. (The exception is special events like holidays, church, etc.) But this hasn't solved the problem.

Here's how it goes. She whines about what I choose, so I relinquish control over to her. She flops on the floor and whines. I tell her she can't come out until she has chosen an outfit, and then I leave. She continues to flop around and whine. At some point she will come out with a tank top and shorts, when it's barely 60 degrees outside. So I have to remind her once again to choose pants, dress, long sleeves, etc. And the whining begins again. Then she will choose something that feels too itchy, and rip it off because she can't stand the feel of it. And we begin again.
This is all fine as long as we have nowhere urgent to go. But the other day she was being incredibly picky about her clothes and we needed to leave the house. Eventually I had to yank her clothes on her while she screamed in protest.

Jenna's outfit of choice is shorts, or if it is cold I can talk her into wearing leggings and a t-shirt. She wears pink sneakers and her pink hat. Every single day. She tells me she looks like a "baseball girl". (Clearly she has been watching her brothers play a lot of ball lately).

And don't get me started on her hair. She hates having it brushed and prefers to wear it down under her hat. No cute bows of pony tails for this girl!

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