Friday, May 24, 2019

Day In The Life 5/23/19

5:30am - My alarm goes off and I immediately doze off again.

5:45 - Adam and I jolt awake at the same time. Yikes, gotta get up! I get out of bed and almost trip over Ryan. He is asleep on our floor. No pillow or blanket. Lucas is on our couch (he has been having some bad asthma at night), and Andrew is in our bed. It's like a frat house here!

6:15 - I'm dressed, I've started my first load of laundry, and I'm downstairs making Adam's lunch for work. His co-worker's mom makes specialty jam, and Adam loves her strawberry-jalapeno flavor. He takes a PBandJ almost every day now.
 6:30 - All the kids are up, but most of them are not happy about it. Especially this guy.
All the kids pile on me and Adam snaps a picture before he leaves for work.
 7:45 - After the boys leave with my Dad for school, I eat a quick breakfast.
And do a little computer work and Bible reading while I drink some lemon water.
Andrew has been sick this past week and he still isn't himself.
8:15 - I get some pinto beans in the crockpot for dinner. Jenna and I argue a bit over what she will wear today, since she is graduating from preschool this morning! I wipe down the downstairs bathroom, do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. I finish getting myself ready and then we leave for Jenna's preschool graduation at the park.
 9:30 - The park! And lots of sun in their eyes!
 My Mom hopped on a swing so obviously my sister and I both needed to snap a photo.
 Here is my girl graduating from her 1st year of preschool.
 We love her teachers!
11:30 - I left Jenna with my sister and raced home to grab a platter of watermelon and go over to the park for Ryan's class reading celebration. He really didn't want his picture taken.
 In line for food.
 Eating with one of his buddies.
 I sit at the park and chat with a friend for a while and then come home to find this. Adam had gotten home from work early, so my parents (who were watching Andrew) left and Andrew is asleep again. At this point I am beginning to suspect a brewing ear infection because he just seems so lethargic and obviously isn't feeling well.
 12:45 - I sit down and enjoy this giant salad for lunch while Andrew sleeps. Then I put away the washed and folded (thanks Mom!) laundry, sweep the floors, and clean up a bit before picking up the boys from school.
3:00 - I let the boys run around at school for a while with their friends. Back at home the kids watch a quick cartoon
 3:15 - And Andrew is still asleep. He napped for almost 5 hours straight. I'm getting worried.
 Our preschool teacher (and neighbor) drops off a few things, including this fun tool set for Andrew.
 Unfortunately he is awake but not up for much playing.
 The kids jump
 I water my vegetable garden
 Adam gets balls down off of the pergola
 The kids jump some more
And Adam and I decide to sit on our nice deck and just take it easy for a few minutes before dinner. It's 75 degrees but very overcast and windy. Perfect weather in my opinion!
 Andrew perks up a little bit but still wants to be held.
In fact, he perks up enough to grab a baseball bat and hit me in the back of my knee. Ouch! This picture doesn't do the bruise justice. It feels like he broke a blood vessel or something because I immediately get a bruised lump that feels really strange when I walk.
 6:00 - Time for dinner kids! Tonight we are having burrito bowls made with the pinto beans I had cooking in the crockpot all day.
It is delicious. The best part of dinner is when we look out the window and it is raining! Also, Jenna tries bell peppers and decided she likes them.
Partway through dinner Ryan decides he wants some limeade so I let him squeeze some limes and make it himself.
Andrew won't eat, and instead he just sits watching everyone. The kids play handball in the living room while I do dishes and pack lunches.
 7:00pm - After everyone gets their jammies on I spend a little time playing Crazy Chefs with Lucas.
 Then handball with Ryan
 And finally reading in bed with this goofy girl.
8pm - I wanted to make sure I had some time with the big kids because the rest of the evening I had a droopy sick Andrew in my lap. This virus that has passed through our family has made Adam, Jenna and now Andrew so incredibly tired.

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