Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sweet and Sour

Jenna has always been extra sweet. She was by far my easiest, most content baby. She didn't really go through the "terrible 2's" and at 3 was just sweet as can be.
 Now at the age of 4, she seems to have a little bit of sour mixed in with her sweet.

She is slower to listen, and no longer complies right when I ask her to do something. She has been whining more lately, and complaining about things she doesn't like. Jenna has also become more dramatic and emotional, getting really upset when she gets the slightest bit offended or hurt. She is just overall more moody and less compliant.
Unfortunately Jenna has been getting timeouts and more chores assigned to her, as well as lots of talks about obeying Mommy and Daddy and making good choices.
I'm sure there are lots of reasons for the sour.....a developmental phase, influence from her brothers, seeking attention, learning bad habits from kids at preschool, etc.
Jenna is still overall my easiest, and still my sweet girl. I'm just hoping the sour fades away soon and is replaced by more of her sweetness!

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