Wednesday, March 20, 2019

6 In A Bed

I haven't been able to blog a lot lately. Why? In a word, sleep. Unfortunately I haven't been spending my time sleeping....I've been trying to get the kids to sleep! It's seriously becoming a big (tiring) problem around here.
Let me preface this by saying Lucas is an amazing sleeper. By far our best. He lays down at bedtime, falls asleep, and then gets up in the morning, usually by around 7am. Perfect. The other 3? Terrible.
On any given night we've got a handful of kids sleeping in our room. Last night was a bit unusual, but when I woke up this morning all 4 kids were in our room. That's 6 people! I should clarify, not all the kids end up in our bed next to us. 1 is usually on our couch, and 1 might be lying at the foot of our bed.

Ryan has always had a hard time sleeping. Jenna used to be great but now is terrible. And Andrew can't sleep without me next to him. I'm exhausted. Adam is exhausted.
Adam and I wake up and stumble past each other in the morning, comparing stories of how many times we walked kids back to their beds in the middle of the night. Last night I fell sound asleep at 8:30pm. (Only to be woken up an hour later because of course one of the kids was already up)
What happens when kids don't sleep well at night? They're grumpy, clumsy, and whiny during the day. Add to that a toddler who barely naps more than 20 minutes, and you've got lots and lots of crying.
 Adam and I have joked about letting all our kids sleep in our room....and then leaving and sleeping somewhere else. Maybe they wouldn't notice?

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