Sunday, March 10, 2019

Seven Smoothies

You all know I love to experiment with different health trends and diets. I love reading about what other people eat, and I love watching healthy YouTubers talk about nutrition. Sometimes I will listen while I wash dishes, and get ideas for new recipes to try. There is one YouTuber in particular, (HealthNut Nutrition) who always begins her day with a green smoothie. They always look good, and yet I have never thought about trying them because I'm not a big smoothie drinker. I need to have something to bite and chew for my meal, you know??

But then I thought maybe I could dry drinking a small smoothie every day for a part of my breakfast. And that's exactly what I did last week! Every morning I tried a new smoothie recipe, using my Magic Bullet for quick and easy cleanup. Seriously, I have had this mini blender for a few years now and it is just perfect for making small batches of smoothies or dips.

I chose a few recipes for inspiration, but mostly just mixed together what sounded good. I never measure when making smoothies, so I'm just listing out ingredients for you. One thing I learned is that you can hide a lot of healthy foods in smoothies and never taste them! I'm talking spinach, roasted veggies, and even parsley. It was like having my multi-vitamin all in one delicious glass.

In addition to my daily smoothie, I often ate a piece of whole grain toast topped with nut butter, avocado, or scrambled eggs. 

Berry Banana Smoothie
Mixed Frozen Berries
Unsweetened Oat Milk

I liked this basic berry smoothie, but didn't care for the crunchy berry seeds that got stuck in my teeth.

Green Detox Smoothie
Unsweetetned Almond Milk

I loved this unique smoothie! Very refreshing and not super "healthy" tasting. My 2nd fave from the week.

Mango Pineapple Glow Smoothie
Frozen Mango
Frozen Pineapple
Roasted Sweet Potato
Lemon Juice
Unsweetened Oat Milk

This smoothie was so creamy. I can't believe it contained roasted sweet potato.

Coffee Smoothie
Crunchy Peanut Butter
Almond Extract
Unsweetened Almond Milk

I liked the flavor of this one, but didn't love the froth on top. I don't like anything frothy.

Pineapple Spinach Smoothie
Plain Yogurt
Unsweetened Almond Milk

Definitely my 3rd favorite smoothie. Creamy and sweet.

PB&J Smoothie
Frozen Strawberries
Peanut Butter
Chia Seeds
Unsweetened Almond Milk

My favorite smoothie of the week! This one truly tasted like peanut butter and jelly, and the salty peanut butter helped it to not be overly sweet.

Mint Chocolate Smoothie
Fresh Mint
Coconut Milk
Mint Extract
Cocoa Powder
Cocoa Nibs

In full disclosure, I first tried this one with avocado but I definitely put too much in. I couldn't taste it without tasting guacamole, so I had to start over. This one was fun but not super sweet.

What a fun experiment! I loved stuffing all that spinach and fruit into my daily breakfast smoothies. And the unexpected bonus is that every day my kids wanted to try my smoothies, so they ended up eating extra veggies as well. What is your favorite type of smoothie?

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