Tuesday, October 23, 2018

We Are Enough

The other night I could not sleep. It began with the realization that none of my kids had brushed their teeth that day. And it wasn't the first time it had happened. My thoughts jumped to the overdue permission slip sitting unsigned on the counter, to the unanswered texts, to the unfolded laundry that was piling up. Then I began to dwell on the fact that I had promised my boys I would play a game of cards with them before bed.....and I didn't follow through. I was just too tired. And justifiably so....I haven't put in the effort to wean my 20-month-old at night, and therefore I am a prisoner to my spot next to him in bed. Maybe if I had sleep-trained him as a baby I would have more time for my other kids. But I didn't. And maybe that's why my oldest had such a bad attitude towards our dinnertime prayer tonight. It's because I don't spend enough time teaching him about the Bible.

Talk about Mom guilt.

And just like that, I was telling myself that I wasn't a good Mom. That I wasn't trying hard enough. That other Moms don't feel this tired or overwhelmed at times. That someone else might do better at mothering my own children. I was allowing myself to believe the lie that I wasn't enough.

You see, I try to hold myself to a high standard. When I forget things or just can't seem to keep up in an area of my life, it really really bothers me. I try not to use motherhood as an excuse to be lazy or unproductive. After all, the Bible warns against being idle. So when I can't seem to measure up, I feel like I'm failing.

And in talking to other Moms, I have realized something. So many of us feel the same way! We all wonder if it's this hard for other Moms. We wonder if we are doing enough. We assume other people have their acts together WAY more than we do. (And cleaner houses). And we all spend far too much energy thinking about what we haven't done, rather than recognizing just how much we are doing daily for our families.

But here is the best news! But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

We are enough because God is enough. We are weak but he is strong. He sent his son to die so that our sins would be forgiven. So let's rest in his grace and in the knowledge that we are deeply loved.....and we are enough.

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