Monday, October 8, 2018

Family Time and OhmConnect

At the end of the summer I signed up for a program called OhmConnect. This service links to your electricity account to help you reduce your usage during certain peak hours. About once a week I am texted or emailed an Ohmhour, as well as a kwh limit. If our power usage comes in under our limit for that hour, we earn money. It's kind of like a game. The less we use, the more we earn during that hour. If you would like to sign up and try this service, use my link to automatically receive $10 in your Ohm account. 

There have been so many unexpected benefits for our family from using OhmConnect. During our very first Ohmhour, the kids helped me go around the house and shut off all the fans and lights. We bumped our AC up a couple degrees, and I told the kids that whatever money we earned through this program would go towards something fun for our family to do together. On that very first day, the Ohmhour was from 5-6pm. So I prepped dinner early, and then from 5-6 we sat around the table and colored and played board games. 
Since that first night, our weekly Ohmhour has kind of become "family time". One night we used that hour to go into the backyard and read together as a family. Another night we taught the kids how to play charades and they loved it!
Last week it coincided with bedtime. I was all set to read the kids bedtime stories but I didn't want to hold my cellphone as a flashlight the entire time. So instead, we sat on the couch and told each other scary stories. Oh my goodness, this was SO cute. Jenna turned out to be quite the story teller. At the end of her scary story she even said "dun dun dun!" in a pretend scary voice. Cutest thing ever.

 Last night we didn't have an Ohmhour. But after dinner we came up with the great idea to do a Night Walk. It wasn't too late....only 8pm. So we decided to go for a family walk in the dark. And once again we had so much fun! It felt like an Ohmhour, but instead of being forced to shut off everything and spend true time together as a family, we just chose to do it.
Have you ever heard of Ohmconnect? It truly hasn't been difficult to use. We are earning some extra cash, but more importantly, lots of fun family time!

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