Friday, October 19, 2018

Right Now - School Pictures

Ryan - 8 years, 6 months
Right now, Ryan is 8 going on 14. He is all about gaining more independence. Recently, we have been letting him pick up his brother after school before walking most of the way home. (My Dad or I meet them on the corner) It's these little things that make him feel less like a little kid. And when he isn't acting like a teenager, Ryan has a ball in his hands. He is playing Fall Ball right now, but even when he's home he is always begging to go outside and play catch or practice his batting. When I say no he resorts to throwing a ball against the wall in the house over and over and over...….(Anyone else think it looks like Ryan got a spray tan for his school photo? I'm secretly jealous)

Lucas - 6 years, 4 months
I can't quite tell if Lucas loves the 1st grade or not. Last year he would bound out of his classroom, anxious to play with friends or show me what he made. This year he is much more subdued and reluctant to share any information with me. It's making me sad! We are trying to set up more playdates for him so he can form good friendships and have time away from his siblings. Lucas does seem excited about playing baseball again in the Spring, so that's good. He also keeps asking about karate, so I may look into that for him. It might be a good way to channel his aggression!

Jenna - 3 years, 11 months
Jenna is keeping busy with lots of morning activities, between preschool, Mops, and tumbling. She gets so excited when I tell her where we are going. She still has such a cute cartoonish voice, and she loves to chat with me all day long. I especially love hearing her do imaginary voices with her dollies....her voice gets SO high-pitched when she does that! Jenna never ever calls me Mommy, but instead always says "Mama". She is such a sweet little girl.

Andrew - 1 year, 8 months
Andrew loves being right in the middle of all the action around here! He wants to do every single thing the big kids do. He would rather be outside playing with them than hanging out with Mommy. Andrew is so loud. He cries, plays, and yells loudly. Just today in the car we were stopped at a light for a while and he started yelling impatiently at me to "GO GO GO!". My baby needs to learn some patience!

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