Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Weighty Wednesday: Middle Ground

Ok. So today's weight loss check-in is kind of going to be a ramble. I'm finding myself in this weird cycle of gaining and losing. This has never been an issue for me before, so I'm kind of frustrated. Does this happen to you?

I do really well for about a week. I eat less and exercise more and overall restrict myself from treats. I lose weight. But then I start feeling a bit deprived. So I let myself have a cheat meal or a cheat day. And I'm hungry so I eat a lot. And then somehow it slips into the next day and I justify in my head that I will begin again tomorrow. Or the next day, or whenever. And in the meantime, I'm eating a lot and gaining back all the weight I just lost. So then the last couple weeks end up being a wash. I'm right back where I was.

I'm trying to settle in to a good middle ground. To me, a middle ground would still be focused on healthy eating, but I wouldn't get too hung up on every single bite. A middle ground would include some chocolate at the end of the day, but it would stop there, rather than leading to a bowl of cereal, some chips, and then more chocolate. A middle ground would be celebrating at parties and going out to eat on occasion, but not letting it become a regular thing. A middle ground would include lots of walks and some good sweaty workouts. But it wouldn't be about waking up at 5am every day, dreading a workout ahead of me.

I'm sure lack of sleep and stress and age all play a factor, but losing the weight this time is just so much harder! Can any of you relate?

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