Monday, September 11, 2017


I feel the need to brag about my kids a little bit this morning. There are many things that frustrate me about them and many bad behaviors we are working on changing. BUT I have noticed some great things lately that I want to focus on and document. Otherwise I will forget these positive behaviors and only focus on what they're doing wrong!

First up, these boys. They have had some really amazing interactions lately. The other day they were bored and super whiny and wanting to play video games. I didn't give in, and eventually they left me alone and went and played a board game together. Then last week they decided to start a rock collection together. They spent well over an hour searching for rocks in the backyard, without a single fight. I don't know about other kids, but this isn't normal for my boys. For them to do something together without fighting or destructiveness is simply amazing. I let them know how proud I was of them!

This girl just oozes happiness. She is just so easy, and this Mommy sure appreciates her easy girl. She wakes up in the morning and she's happy. I tell her what we're doing for the day and she's always excited about whatever it is. I tell her it's lunchtime and she claps her hands and smiles. I tell her it's time to do laundry or dishes and she asks to help. I just love her happy little disposition!

This little guy is getting to that age where he is literally learning something new every day. It's so fun for me to watch! One day he can't sit up well, and the next he's doing it like a pro. This week he started to imitate waving, and it's as if I can see his brain turning as he's watching us and then doing it himself.

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