Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ryan's First Day of 1st Grade

Ryan was so nervous about starting First Grade today! Even more nervous than he was about Kindergarten. We talked a lot last night about how fun it was going to be, how he already knows some kids in his class, and how tiny the Kindergarteners would look to him this year. I think he was feeling really big now that he's moved up to the big kid playground. Speaking of Kindergarten, here is Ryan this year vs last year:

Not too much difference, except he's missing his 2 front teeth this year!

Ryan wanted to take a picture with Jenna because he thought she was going to miss him.
He may be smiling, but he was pretty subdued and nervous. He even told me he wasn't going to stay in his classroom. I gave him a big hug and told him a few words from the Bible to repeat to himself whenever he felt afraid. I know he'll get comfortable quickly and I hope he develops some great friendships this year!
When I picked up Ryan from school he said he had a good day! He ate lunch with his friends and he said his teacher is nice. Oh, and a boy at his table threw up. Ugh bring on the first grade germs!

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