Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jenna's 6-Month Checkup

Jenna had her 6-month checkup with her pediatrician last week. It was so nice going in to a well-check appointment with no concerns or major questions.
Jenna is right on track with all her milestones. I mentioned to the doctor that she is such a great sleeper at night, and will even go 10-11 hours straight without nursing sometimes. I wasn't sure if this was okay for her age. The Dr. cautioned not to let her go any longer than 10 hours because of the risk of her blood sugar dropping too low. He told me some signs to look for (Jenna waking up grumpy or lethargic), but she always wakes up happy and smiling. I can't believe I have a baby who sleeps so long at night!

Jenna actually plumped up a little bit since her last appointment in terms of her height to weight ratio. Here are her stats:

Weight: 15 lbs, 1 oz (28%)
Height: 25.5 inches (30%)
Head: 16.75 inches (56%)
My final question for the doctor was regarding feeding Jenna solids. I told them there are so many differing opinions out there about what/when/how to feed a baby. I asked him what his opinion was on the matter. He told me that as long as her food is small and soft, I can feed her whatever I want. There are no concerns about her having possible food allergies, so foods like eggs and dairy are fine to introduce now. I fed her egg yolks yesterday and they went over fine, so I'm going to continue introducing new foods to her over the next few months.

Jenna's appointment ended with her vaccinations. These really bothered her the last two times but she did great this time and wasn't too fussy in the days afterwards. Overall a great checkup for my sweet little girl!

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