Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2 Improvements

This post isn't going to be about any of the naughty things Ryan has been doing. I'm not even going to talk about how I caught Ryan licking the bottom of his shoe this week. Nope, no mention of that.

Instead, I'd like to brag about Ryan's 2 latest accomplishments!

1) First, I have discovered another healthy food that he will eat....brown rice topped with parmesan cheese. I'm so glad I've found a whole grain that he will eat, that is really healthy for him. It's very messy, but that's ok.

2) Ryan's vocabulary now includes "Dada", "Daw" and his latest word....."Ball"! (Pronounced "Bawl" with an emphasis on the "W".) He has learned his 3rd real word, and uses it all the time now. I hope this trend continues!


  1. Way to go, Ryan! Now learn to sleep, lil punkin!

  2. I hope he took the dishwasher apart all by himself!
