Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day In The Life 8.26.19

5:40 - I get out of bed at 5:40, after walking Jenna back to her bed just 20 minutes earlier. For some reason she was sitting up in our bed at 5am and I don't even remember her coming in there.
I dress quickly for a little exercise.
Downstairs it still looks a little dark outside, so I spend a few minutes mixing together ingredients for waffles.
6:15 - I run a mile and then hurry home to shower, get dressed, start a load of laundry, make some coffee, touch up my hair with the flat iron, and put on makeup.

 6:45 - I'm calling this outfit my "I'm ready for Fall colors but it's still blazing hot outside outfit".
I wake up the boys for school. Lucas says "Good Morning Mommy, can you scratch my arm?". Ryan shouts "NO NO NO" and bangs his head against the bed frame.
 His and hers smoothies!
I make waffles while the boys get dressed, and this little guy wakes up. I turn my back for a minute and then discover him sampling bites from all the waffles.
 Adam shows Ryan on his tablet where he will be working today. Adam leaves and then my Dad stops by to watch Andrew and Jenna while I take the boys to school.
 8:15 - Back at home I drink my smoothie and do some Bible reading out on the back deck with Andrew. What a cheeseball!
8:30 - Jenna is finally awake again! I let Jenna and Andrew watch a little Mickey while I start more laundry, do dishes, and make beds. Per my new schedule, today is my day to deep clean the kitchen, so I wash the counters and sink, and scrub the top of the stove.
 9:30 - We leave the house and swing by the boys' school in hopes of catching a glimpse of Lucas at recess. I don't see him but I do see Ryan! We head to Belair for some groceries and see my Mom there!

11:15 - Back at home I race to fix Jenna an early lunch before she heads off to preschool.
12:00 - Jenna is at school and the food is put away, so I start a 3rd load of laundry and start doing a little meal prep. This guy gets pretty cranky so I put him down for a nap on the couch.
 While he is sleeping I make some homemade cheezits, salad dressing for the week, boiled eggs, cut up fresh melon, put away laundry, and make this huge salad for lunch. I eat it while doing some computer work and checking things off my to-do (or brain dump) list.
1:45 - Adam is home early from work!
 2:00 - Andrew and I walk to pick up the girls from school. On the way back we have to stop every minute so the girls can take turns sitting in the stroller. Because they're SO hot and tired.
 Adam surprises me with an iced coffee! (Heavy on the cream. There's plenty here to save for my morning coffee). While the girls and Andrew play, I do dishes and sip my coffee, willing the headache that is forming to go away.
 3:00 - I pick the boys up from school and wow it IS really hot. Thankfully Lucas' soccer practice is cancelled due to the heat. So I let them all relax on the couch and watch some TV. I basically serve snacks for the next hour. Ryan brought his entire lunch home uneaten. He was at school for 7 hours without any food in his stomach! I don't understand that boy.
 4:30 - Homework time! Lucas has math and spelling today, as well as a big stack of papers, AKA Mom homework.
While I help Lucas and sort through all the school stuff, Daddy and the other kids do this. Jenna asks to do some work, so I have her work on tracing some words and recognizing colors, and count it towards her homeschooling.
6:00 - Dinner is served! I made Bacon and Corn Pasta and oh my goodness it is SO yummy. The kids basically eat bacon and fruit for dinner.
 After I clean up the dining room and kitchen, I finish doing some meal prep that didn't get done earlier. Budget granola into the oven!
 I play cards with Lucas, while the other kids jump in the trampoline.
 7:30 - Rub a dub dub. The 3 younger kids take baths and I sit nearby checking emails and putting away the last of the laundry. I'm tiiiired.
 8:00 - I'm reading books to Lucas, Jenna and Andrew when Ryan suddenly appears from the garage. He had been working on the motorcycle with Adam and he wants me to see how dirty his hands are. I practically shove him in to the shower.
8:45 - Andrew is asleep and the other 2 are in bed. I drag myself downstairs to sweep, defrost chicken for tomorrow, pick up toys, and finish packing lunches. By this time of night I am pretty exhausted. I turn around to see Ryan following me. He wants to pack his own lunch and eat a snack and oh yeah....he just remembered he had a project due today. His teacher said he can turn it in tomorrow if he forgot it today.
I tell him no way, it's too late to start on a project and he's just going to have to suffer the consequences for being forgetful. He packs a lunch that hopefully he will eat tomorrow, and heads upstairs to bed. (wearing Daddy's shirt as a nightgown)

9:30 - I blog and take care of some school stuff online before reading a little bit in bed. Tomorrow will be here soon enough!

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