Monday, August 19, 2019

Jenna's 1st Day of Pre-K/TK

The day has arrived! Jenna began her Pre-K class today.
She was so excited! In years past, Jenna and her big brothers attended an in-home preschool right on our court. The wonderful Miss Jill has retired, but one of the teachers took over and luckily she only lives a couple blocks away. Still so convenient!
This year I am also trying something different. Jenna is eligible for TK, or Transitional Kindergarten, because of her November birthday. Rather than send her to all-day TK through the school district, I have enrolled her through a homeschool charter school. She will still attend Pre-K classes a couple blocks away, but I will also get a tiny taste of homeschooling by teaching her a few things at home. I also plan on enrolling her in some sort of dance or gymnastics class. So Jenna is in Pre-K as well as homeschooled TK. Make sense?
Jenna's first day was great! She walked right in without a backward glance, and gave me a huge smile when I picked her up. Pre-K is extra fun when your cousin is in your class!
Just for fun, here is Jenna last year. I really don't think she has changed much!

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