Friday, August 16, 2019

Lucas' Stories

Lucas has been inventing these crazy stories lately, and entertaining us all (especially Ryan) with them. They remind me of a kids' graphic novel, like Dog Man style. 
There are lots of sound effects and really silly/gross things that happen in his stories. He even has a main character who often stars in his stories, named Mr. Pickle. Things explode, wild things happen, there is gross potty humor, and half the time I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about. But he has the BEST laugh while he's story-telling, and Ryan finds his stories hilarious. I tried to capture one of his stories last night during dinner, but had to break it up in to 2 videos on my phone. He can talk and talk for a solid 20 minutes, and I'm pretty sure he'd have a really entertaining book if he actually wrote it down!

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