Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Weekend Highlight Reel

We had a great 3-day weekend around here, and I managed to capture some highlights.

Friday afternoon birthday party at Lucas' new friend's house. Check out that backyard!

LOTS of fort building this weekend.

Eating our last homegrown cucumber of the season.

He pulled out a tooth!

Jenna's face when she saw the Halloween decorations at Home Depot!

A delicious dinner of tri-tip, baked potatoes, homemade biscuits and asparagus.

The boys at Bug-O-Rama in Sacramento.

Enough of a chill in the air to wear my new green pants for a few hours.

Coloring with my Lucas.

And baking with my Ryan.

Celebrating 3 cousins' birthdays at once.

Monday morning breakfast at Huckleberry's with Sean, Nicole, Ryan and Shayla.

I'm in the market for some new glasses so I snagged Emma's to try on.

Lots of swimming!

Playing sharks and minnows.

Chowing down on a hot dog while thinking about laser tag.

My beautiful Mom and Bella!

And Adam racing the boys down the street on his refurbished mini motorcycle. (He won)

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