Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Run Rocklin 5K 2019

On Sunday morning we got up bright and early to participate in the Run Rocklin 5k! I ran it last year (see my blog post here), and made Adam promise to run it with me this year. Unfortunately, we couldn't convince the boys to run in the kids' 1/4 mile run again. Last year Ryan threw up afterwards, and he didn't want to do that again. Oh well, maybe I can convince them by next year.
This is a more accurate representation of how we were feeling right before the run. I was optimistic, and Adam was wondering why I made him get up early to run.
Last year I did the Couch to 5K training program during the months leading up to the race. This year.....I didn't do much preparing. I went out on runs maybe once or twice a week, but the farthest I ever ran was 2 miles, and I was pretty slow.

My dad and my sister's family also ran this year!
Adam and I began the race together. Right around the 3/4 mile mark I told him the pace felt too fast. I was huffing and puffing. Usually this is the point when my breathing regulates and the run starts to feel good. But Adam's pace was a little faster than mine, and I was trying to keep up with him. Then there was a slight incline going into mile 2. Near the end of mile 2 I told Adam to leave me, so he did. I was so tempted to stop and walk, but I never did! One of my goals was to run the entire 5k, so I did a lot of mental talk to keep myself running.

During the 3rd mile I really had to go to the bathroom. And then around 2.5 miles I began to feel nauseous. Ugh. This whole race felt more difficult than last year....probably because of my lack of preparation. Here I am finishing the race.
 My mom watched Andrew and Jenna, and Grandma Jan brought the boys out to cheer us on. Lucas was excited and Ryan was grumpy.
Adam used to be an incredibly fast runner (I'm talking less than a 6-minute mile), but that was many years ago and he doesn't have time to run now. I was so proud of him that he ran the whole thing and finished with a time of 32:04!
 Last year I ran the 5k in 36:20. This year I shaved 1.5 minutes off my time and ran it in 34:51.

 I think I owe my faster time to Adam, because running with him forced me to go faster. Run Rocklin 2019 was a good time, and I'm looking forward to next year!

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